About Me

Hey friends! I'm Cassy Edwards!
💜 Thanks for popping in to visit!

I'm a proud wife, mother of three amazing children, and I'm a lover of all things fashion and beauty (and especially anything that makes life easier!)

For the past few years, I've been homeschooling the kiddos; they aren't the only ones being tested! Patience is a virtue, am I right?

I'll be honest, mom'ing and homemaking meant that my love for fashion got shoved in the drawer, and for a time I poured my creative efforts into baking for my family. (My macarons are sMACkin!)

But now… the apron is off, and THE FASHIONISTA is BACK!

I'm so excited to go on this journey as I reconnect with the little girl twirling in front of the mirror, in love with every sparkle, ruffle and clever layer, and I’m thrilled to have you join me!

It breaks my heart that the fearless self expression of a child fades over the years, replaced by self-doubt. I know first-hand how difficult it can be to feel confident in your own skin. 

It has taken me until my late thirties to truly embrace my personal style and, once again, wear what makes me happy!

Ultimately, my goal is to help others find confidence and self-assurance, most especially my own children.

Whether it's through fashion, baking, homeschooling, or simply sharing my life experiences, I hope to empower and inspire women to embrace and express their unique style and find the confidence to pursue (and stick with) their passions.

So let’s be friends!

Hang out and have fun as I explore everything from inspiration to practical hacks and tips!

I’m carving out my own space in this world, and you can too!


💜 Cassy 💜